Career News Week 2 Term 3 2023


Morrisby Career Interviews scheduled for August in Term 3

Year 9 Students and Parents

The second stage of the Morrisby Program will occur in early August, in Term 3. Lauren from the CEAV has pencilled in the following dates for the Morrisby interviews to be scheduled both on site and remotely at Melbourne High School:

#  Monday the 7/8/23 through to Friday the 11/8/23

This mainly affects students in Years 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K and 9L and appointment times will be made once Lauren has identified the number of available Morrisby Consultants there are for our school. This is likely to happen on Thursday the 3rd of August. Students are reminded to check their emails regularly in early August to ensure they know when their appointment is scheduled.

The interview schedule will be 8 interview slots per day with back-to-back sessions in the afternoon.

The number of consultants operating at each time slot could range from between 4-6 per time slot.

The time slots will be:

Interview 1:8:50 AM
Interview 2:9:30 AM
Interview 3:10:05 AM
Interview 4:10:40 AM
Recess:11:10 AM
Interview 5:11:40 AM
Interview 6:12:25 PM
Lunch:1:05 PM
Interview 7:2:00 PM
Interview 8:2:35 PM
Finish:3:05 PM


All Students and Parents

On the 12th of July, the Careers Office and the MHSOBA Inc. hosted the 2023 Annual Careers Night Event at our school. We estimated that there was close to 500 in attendance which was a very high number of attendees. On behalf of the Careers Office and the Principal, Dr Tony Mordini, I would like to thank the following people for their massive assistance on the night:

# Jo Malley of the MHSOBA (Co-organiser of the night),

# Siany Sanusi (Canteen Manager with her amazing and healthy foods) and her crew,

# Professor Shanton Chang (Keynote Speaker from The University of Melbourne),

# All of our Year 10 Volunteers who assisted us with this Community Service Event,

# All of the Tertiary Representatives from the various universities both locally and interstate,

# Samantha from Education USA,

# All of the Professional Occupational Speakers who gave-up their valuable time and evening to be with us at The Castle. As well as also spending their time and effort to prepare for their sessions, and

# The following staff members for their enormous assistance, Rob Sette, Brendan Litan, Luc Bohn, Kelli Simpson and the IT Department.

Finally, could I again emphasise why this event is so important to students and their parents every year at our school. The importance of this event was that it offered every student and their parent the opportunity to explore career courses and/or occupations, which could very well translate to their desired destinations when they exit Melbourne High. It was an opportunity to gain further knowledge in areas such as Medicine, Health Sciences, Business, Law, IT and Engineering. This event also had other elements this year to it such as the inclusion of the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) Building.

VTAC Upcoming Key Dates for Year 12 Students

Year 12 Students

VTAC has announced that course applications for Year 12 domestic students will open at 9am on the 31st of July. There will be a VTAC information session delivered by the Careers Team during this period to both Year 12 students and their parents. Please look out for this date to be published on our various platforms in the next week or so.

For any further queries please contact Bill Theodoropoulos via email at

Understanding the areas of the VTAC  Process – Webinar for Year 12s presented by Mr Theodoropoulos

Year 12 Students and Parents


Year 12 Assembly – 2023 In this webinar Mr T will explain the key areas of the VTAC Course Application, SEAS Applications, Scholarship Applications through VTAC, plus also demonstrate completing an application using the VTAC Course Application Demo. Mr T will also guide students in to viewing the ‘how to’ guides to creating an account and applying for courses, scholarships and special consideration (SEAS). We will look at if you change your mind about courses added to your application, since you will be allowed to change preferences quite regularly throughout this year. How to find advice on providing evidence for your SEAS and scholarships applications. Some courses may ask you to submit a personal statement which we will discuss during this webinar as well.

Finally, Mr T will also explain the process of booking your compulsory one-on-one Career Check / VTAC Interview with him via the appointment platform “Picktime”. THIS IS HOW YEAR 12 STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO BOOK THEIR SESSION WITH ME AND TO ENSURE THEIR APPOINTMENT(S) ARE HONOURED BY THE CAREERS OFFICE.

The link has been sent to all Year 12s and their Parents via email through Compass and students can also access the link through MS Teams and the post I put-up on Compass.

I do expect all Year 12 students to tune into this webinar, as it will help you understand the various documents you will need to complete for your VTAC applications. You should not miss this as it is for your benefit.

Post Secondary Options & VTAC Information Evening – Webinar for Year 12s presented by Mr Theodoropoulos

Year 12 and Parents

This webinar will help Year 12 students and their parents explore what options these students will have at their disposal once they have exited “The Castle” at the end of 2023. It promises to provide some insights on what activities students can undertake as a way of co-ordinating their current career aspirations.

The link for this event will be provided to the relevant stakeholders by Mr Theodoropoulos by the start of August.

For any further queries about this key event please contact Mr Theodoropoulos via email,