Situated in Forrest Hill, South Yarra, Melbourne High School continues to be a geographical and educational icon in Victoria’s secondary schooling landscape.

Welcome to Melbourne High School – the ‘Castle on the Hill’
At Melbourne High School, every day is different, bringing a range of challenges, opportunities and adventures.
As you begin your academic journey, much of the School’s life will be new and unexpected, including formal assemblies with staff in academic gowns, massed singing, the House system. For some, this may be the first time in school uniform, for many the first time in blazer and tie.
You have been selected from thousands of applicants for your academic ability and commitment to success. You will find yourself in the company of like-minded, highly able students and much will be expected of you. Your teachers will set you demanding challenges and be keen to test your capabilities. We expect you to set yourself challenging goals…and achieve them.
Because every MHS student is academically able, the School can offer a much broader curriculum program. This means our program has the breadth, depth and pace that would simply not be possible at another school. New students comment on the excitement of being exposed to higher-level concepts and thinking and facing new and challenging ideas every day.
Many describe the realisation that whilst they may have been the most-able student at their previous school with little real effort, at Melbourne High their abilities were far more rigorously tested by equally able students and higher expectations. Melbourne High School engenders an unusual spirit of friendly competitiveness, hand in hand with mutual respect and support.
However, there is much more to being a student at Melbourne High School than academic achievement. As our philosophy states, ‘it is more than just marks’. Accordingly, the School has a very extensive co-curricular and extension program. The Involvement Program consists of over forty clubs and activities ranging from Army and Air Force cadets to Baka Anime and Break Dancing. There will be over thirty different sports activities and teams to explore from fencing and rowing to chess and lawn bowls. There are also over thirty different musical ensembles from orchestra and choirs to rock bands. Before and after school and at lunchtime there will be a range of events, activities, competitions and clubs to sample and enjoy.
Term one is always frenetic at Melbourne High School. There will be House swimming, Athletics and Choral competitions and election of Form Captains and SRC representatives. There will be much to adjust to as well, finding your way around new buildings, the timetable, longer trips to school and the forging of new friendships.
Ours is a proudly eclectic and diverse community. We value kindness, friendliness and courtesy very highly. You will be treated as the mature and capable young person you are becoming. Much will be expected of your conduct as well. We want to be proud of you. We want you to be proud of the School.
Your teachers, families, fellow students and the general community will now expect more of you as well. Wearing the Melbourne High School blazer brings public recognition and respect, but it also comes with new responsibilities. There will be higher expectations and scrutiny of your character and conduct at school, at home and in public. This is an opportunity to leave past habits behind and become the person you have always wanted to be.
For over 100 years, Melbourne High School has been able to inspire in generations of students a lifelong passion for learning, confidence in their own abilities, social responsibility and strong community engagement. As a result, Melbourne High School graduates continue to make significant contributions to the professions, commerce, the arts, industry, sport and public life.
Our graduates have embodied our motto – ‘Honour the Work’. And in return, that hard work has honoured them making a positive impact in their professional endeavours, family life and civic contributions.
Melbourne High School prides itself on a tradition of high academic achievement, a broad liberal education and a wide range of co-curricular activities. A life-changing journey awaits you. You will grow in confidence, independence and accomplishment. Grasp the opportunities presented to you with a full heart and an inquiring mind.
Dr Tony Mordini