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Japanese Model United Nations


Convening to discuss, debate and decide collectively on approaches to sustainable development, the annual Japanese Language Model United Nations saw fifteen Melbourne High School delegates represent Australia, Chile, Morocco, South Korea and the USA. With all proposed resolutions being passed, our ambassadors’ hard work paid off, many successful in receiving support to encourage new changes including shifts to plant-based diets, nuclear energy and new innovations to develop green cities.

A Model United Nations event can prove to be challenging in itself, let alone one delivered in one’s second language. Our ambassadors ought to be celebrated for the flair they showcased, not only emulating the voice of their respective states, but also successfully communicating in accessible Japanese. An opportunity to collaborate with other schools, the day proved to be a great networking event too, as students formed new friendships, exploring the power of Japanese as a communication tool.

The United Nations since its founding in 1945 has championed for the voice of all people, everywhere, urging that cultural competency be at the heart of change. For our student delegates, the event proved invaluable in understanding the significance of languages other than English as a medium for communication, particularly the intricacies which need to be considered to reflect nuance and the complex voices of different states. The chance to therefore develop skills in diplomacy, politics and international relations was pivotal for many, as they experienced firsthand the power of language and culture in resolving global crises.

We congratulate them all on their hard work, both on the day and in the lead up it.

Arya Banerjee

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