Last Sunday the 8th of October 415SQN competed at RAAF Williams Point Cook, in the annual drill competition against all the other Squadrons in Victoria. This is the elusive award that 415SQN has never won. A dedicated small group of cadets tried their best, but to no avail. The best drill team was awarded to 418SQN. During the presentations a Bronze commendation was given by the Officer Commanding of 4WG to 415 SQN CFSGT Michael Wang for services to cadets.
Prior was the Annual Ceremonial Parade of the entire of 4 Wing. This was followed by the 4WG Expo, organized by 415SQN staff member PLTOFF(AAFC) Aayat Khanna, which had the CO of 415SQN FLTLT(AAFC) Josh Slocombe demonstrating his aerial rocketry skills.