$1500 Allocated to MHS Sporting Teams via SFG!!
From 2023 Junior and Senior Social $11828 was profited (post Formal Subsidy).
Here is an outline for anyone curious:
- 54.5% – Royal Children’s Good Friday Appeal: These funds go to improving care for sick patients just like you and their families, targeting expansive research and enhancing patient care.
- 45.5% – Student Fundraising Grant
- 20.2% – SFG Infrastructure Fund
- 16.5% – SFG Sport Fund
- 8.7% – SFG Club Fund
But what is the Student Fundraising Grant?
The Student Fundraising Grant (SFG) is an approved fund providing students with the power to decide where fundraised money (ie: Social Profits) should go.
Through online consultation forms, we asked YOU what short-term changes you wanted to see across the school.
65% of responses asked for better sporting equipment/facilities to support Melbourne High’s sporting culture.
So through the SFG OVER $1500 has been spent on upgrading the equipment of Melbourne High sport teams. Have a look to see which sports are enjoying new gear for next season.