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Student Wellbeing and Support


The Department of Education’s Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) places learning and wellbeing firmly at the centre of the model. This is in recognition of the essential role of a student’s health and wellbeing in their overall functioning and happiness, including their academic achievement. This focus is mirrored in Melbourne High School’s motto of ”more than just marks”, as the school encourages students to develop into well rounded, successful adults.

At times, everyone faces difficulties and things that challenge their wellbeing, which can have flow on effects to other areas of life, including school performance. Difficulties can include friendship issues, reduced motivation, low mood, stress, anxiety, identity questions, worries about the future, ill health of family members and much more. We encourage students and all members of the school community to look after their health, physical and mental, and to build support networks to help them when they struggle.

The Student Wellbeing team can be a part of this support network when needed. Staff, parents and students are welcome to contact the team with concerns and questions, and we are happy to discuss the help we can provide. Form Teachers and Student Learning Coordinators are also excellent sources of guidance and support for their students.

The team can be contacted via email or on 9823 7115. There is also information on the Wellbeing Canvas page which is available to all students and parents/guardians.

The Student Wellbeing team members are:

  • Student Wellbeing Coordinator                     Ms Cecilia Martin
  • Mental Health Practitioner                             Mr Sam Dachs
  • School Counsellor                                          Ms Irma Liando
  • School Counsellor                                          Ms Louise Nugara

The School Nurse is Ms Lisa Delahunty who can be contacted via reception on 9826 0711.

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