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Nepal Trip 2024


After the success of the 2023 trip to Nepal, we are delighted to again be running a three-week school trip to Nepal after speech night in Dec 2024.  This time the tour will go to Everest Base Camp! The trip will involve a fully supported challenging 11-day trek in the stunning Everest region, a 3-day Nepal school community service project and exploration of Kathmandu. An information night will be held on Thursday 22nd February at 6:30pm at MHS.

If you are interested in attending the information night please click on the following link and fill out the form. It is vital you fill out this information as all further correspondence about the trip will be from the emails collected via this form.

Criteria/Key information:

  • Date:       1 December 2024 to 21 December 2024
  • Cost:       $6500 approx. (all inclusive)

Cost includes: flights, transfers, accommodation, full Nepal Sherpa support crew on trek, kit bag (including down jacket, high altitude sleeping bag, polar fleece inner and kitbag).

Information Evening: Thursday 22 February at 6:30 pm

Please Note: This will be a popular trip and places will be limited to 26 (2 groups of 13)

For further information please email Robert Sette (

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