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Toolbox Education Parent Workshop


On Tuesday 19 March we have Toolbox Education coming in to speak to the boys about how to recognise unhelpful thinking styles, such as catastrophising, and present some strategies to find more balanced perspectives to overcome these unhelpful thinking styles. To support this, we invite parents and guardians to attend the parent workshop on Tuesday 19 March from 6:30-7:30pm. This will be held online and hopefully it will provide some common language to tackle this issue. 

As students experience adversity, they can get caught in unhelpful thinking. Whether it’s assuming they know what someone else might be thinking about them, predicting something bad will happen or even setting unrealistic expectations for themselves, students can fall prey to all sorts of thinking traps. When students get caught in these traps, they can doubt themselves, become disengaged and overthink all types of situations. The student workshop teaches students how to recognize unhelpful thinking styles where they show up, and the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) basis for challenging these types of thoughts.

The parent workshop will aim to teach parents how to recognize unhelpful thinking styles in themselves and their children and the CBT basis for challenging these types of thoughts. You can join the meeting by clicking the link supplied below.

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 933 8577 5088 
Passcode: 074878

We look forward to seeing you online this Tuesday night!

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