Principal’s Report
House Cross Country
The wind subsided, the rain held off and the temperature was mild. All in all, perfect conditions for the annual House Cross Country. Thank you to our Sports staff and their helpers. There is a lot to coordinate and many hours of work before and after the event. As you can see from these photographs, many did the run around the lake (approx 5km) without even breaking a sweat!

Three Way Conferences – Parent, Student, Teacher.
On September 2, the Age featured an article headed – How having students join parent-teacher interviews can keep everyone on the same page. Reporter Bridie Smith interviewed Year 12 student Wilson Cai and his parents about their experience of the School’s three-way conferences. As Wilson noted-
“It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of school, but these meetings offer a clear assessment of my strengths, where I need to improve and how I can improve. And I think that’s a really good thing to experience.” “Everybody is on the same page, and it avoids misunderstandings…” |

The article also noted the efficiency of having these conferences virtually.
As your Principal, I have a strong commitment to this partnership between students, parents and the school. As the article notes, this is supported by academics such as John Hattie and Dianna Harris.
‘Diana Harris from the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth said a significant benefit of three-way conferences was the increased engagement parents had with their child’s learning and the school. “[Parent engagement] is a really powerful predictor of how well that child not just achieves at school, but how well they engage with learning and the value that they place on learning,” she said.’ |
St George University, Grenada, Medical Program Information Session
This week we held a virtual information session with staff from St George University. An increasing number of our students are exploring options interstate and overseas. Thank you to our Careers Officer Mr Bill Theodoropoulos for organising the event. A recording is available for those who missed out.
Tuckwell Scholarships Awarded for 2025 – Congratulations School Captain Rohan Green
Every year, 25 talented school-leavers are afforded the opportunity to fulfil their potential through a Tuckwell Scholarship offered by the Australian National University. Hundreds of candidates apply from all over Australia. The selection panel considers a range of criteria including intellect, character, leadership, and the students’ commitment to Australia. Congratulations to Rohan Green for being one of the successful candidates.
Dr Tony Mordini
- 21 October: Melbourne High School Year 12 Valedictory Dinner