Melbourne High School is delighted to offer you an opportunity to experience a lifetime memory with your son at the annual ‘Father and Son’ Evening.
This innovative single evening program is part of some special transition events that we offer our Year 10 students and it is happening here in our school community on the evening of Monday 24 February.
Media attention often feasts on the reality that some famous sportsmen and celebrities fall short of being good ‘role-models’ to our boys… but we are confident that the best role-models are much closer to home. ‘Stepping Up’ taps the very best resources in our own school community… the dads (or grandfathers, older brothers or uncles) of our boys. Be part of this innovative single evening program that gives a signpost to each boy about the best ways he can ‘step up’ to be a good man.
This is a great night for the boys as they witness their fathers discussing what it means to them to be a dad (or mentor) and the importance of showing their son what a good man is.
We are bringing Bill Jennings to our school to facilitate this unique experience for you. Bill is the creator and founder of ‘Time & Space’ (, a service he has developed to give people just that – ‘time and space’ for parents and their children to share important moments together in a school community setting. This program has a whole range of memorable moments that include carefully guided interactions with other fathers and their sons.
Fathers will emerge from the night reassured and impressed by the way our students are able to speak up and share insights about their life.
And be assured that the night is fun too… full of activities and conversations that will make us smile.
Come along and enjoy a unique gift – dedicated time with each other in the midst of the special community atmosphere that we have here at Melbourne High School.
Monday 24 February 2025
Memorial Hall, Melbourne High School
6.45pm for a 7.00pm Start (finish by 9.15pm)
To register please: Visit the link
This helps with our activity planning for the session. This session is exclusive to Year 10.
If you have any other enquiries, please call reception on (03) 9826 0711.
We know that families come in all shapes and sizes and not all fathers can attend an evening such as this. A mentor such as a grandfather, uncle or family friend is welcome to attend.