OURS Week 5 Term 1 2025


Principal’s Report

Valuing our heritage

Melbourne High School holds a prominent place in Australia’s educational landscape. As Victoria’s first government secondary school and one of only four selective entry schools in the state, it has a long history of academic andextracurricular excellence. The school’s remarkable achievements continue to shape the lives of its alumni, who go on to make significant contributions in both their professional and civic spheres.

Central to the school’s success is its commitment to maintaining strong traditions and honouring its heritage. These traditions not only provide a sense of continuity but also help guide the school’s future direction.

‘Heritage encompasses the places, values, traditions, events, and experiences that reflect our past, define who we are today, and provide context for our future as a community.’ [1]

In the coming weeks, we will host our annual House Chorals competition, followed by the highly anticipated exchange with North Sydney Boys’ High School, where we will welcome over 60 students. This exchange offers participants the chance to showcase a wide range of talents across music, debating, chess, and sport. However, the true value of these events extends far beyond displaying talent. They offer valuable opportunities to develop essential life skills such as teamwork, interpersonal communication, and leadership.

The individuals who help shape and uphold these traditions play a crucial role in ensuring the school’s rich legacy continues. For this reason, principals of schools like Melbourne High often appoint key members of the school community to preserve and pass on these traditions.

Patron – Peter Stathopoulos (Class of 82)

To this end, I announced at last week’s School Council meeting the appointment of Mr Peter Stathopoulos as a patron to honour his long-standing contribution to the school.

Ray Willis, (Principal 1992 – 2004), wrote-

‘The position of school patron enables the school to honour those who have been of significant support to the school while encouraging their ongoing support and leadership. Patrons have been members of the school community who have willingly given of themselves without payment and expectation of thanks.’

Peter Stathopoulos
MHS 1979 – 1982

Peter played football in the Under 15 school team. Passionate about music and football, he runs his own Record Shop, and follows Hawthorn, where he is the Hawks Forever Chair. Peter was President of the MHSOBA from 2013-2022 and has been Old Boy Observer on the School Council for many years. A strong supporter, he has given much of his time behind the scenes to further the interests of Melbourne High School.

Peter is currently a Community Member on School Council. He has also served as President of the Melbourne High School Old Boys’ Association (2013 – 2022). Peter’s support to students, alumni and School Council has and continues to be invaluable.

Acting Assistant Principal Appointment – Mr Robert Sette

We are pleased to announce that Mr Robert Sette has been appointed Acting Assistant Principal for the period from 3 March to 19 September 2025. On behalf of the Melbourne High School community, I extend our congratulations to Mr Sette on his appointment.

A large pool of both internal and external candidates was carefully considered, and the selection process was highly competitive with many strong applicants. Mr Sette has made significant contributions to our school over the years, notably as the leader of the Junior School and Yarra House. He has also led numerous co-curricular and extra-curricular initiatives, including Tomorrow Man and various national and international cricket exchanges.

The International Baccalaureate at Melbourne High School

At last week’s School Council meeting, we discussed the implementation of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program at Melbourne High School. Following this, I met with curriculum leaders who have been working diligently to prepare the school for IB authorisation, with the aim of introducing the program in 2026.

After careful consideration, I have recommended to the School Council that we suspend our current plans to pursue the IB Diploma Program. There are several significant barriers that have influenced this decision. Firstly, under the current Department of Education parent payment policy, program participants would be required to pay a fee. This could potentially exclude some students. Currently, Victorian government schools are only funded to deliver the Victorian Curriculum and the VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education), this prevents MHS from offering alternative programs like the IB without charging parents additional fees. Additionally, several IB trained staff have moved to other schools. This will necessitate the recruitment of new staff or development of existing staff to deliver the IB Diploma Program. This will add a financial cost to the School that will need to be resourced outside current Department of Education funding.

While the planning phase has been supported through generous benefactors and externally sourced strategic funds, the School Council has agreed to pause the process for now. However, they are committed to exploring how the IB could be offered as an alternative program in the future.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to the staff who have devoted significant time and effort into developing curriculum plans and advancing their professional skills in preparation for the IB Diploma Program. Many of the insights gained during these workshops have already contributed to enhancing their teaching practices.

Senior Students supporting younger students – Valentine’s Day Event

Supporting their peers on Valentine’s Day, our senior student leaders ran a bridging program for Year 9 students. During the session, they explored topics ranging from perfectionism and stress management to making the most of school life. Year 9 students also had the chance to ask questions about Melbourne High, helping them transition smoothly into their new school environment. Thank you to Olly Downing and the Y12 school leaders for organising and to all involved in making the program a success!

Air Conditioning in the Nineties Building – Update

Work is underway and will be completed by the beginning of next term. Over the past several weeks a crane has replaced the old gas boilers with the new air conditioners on the roof and electricians have started installing the cables to power the new units.

This project will result in the top two floors including the library being fitted with reverse cycle air-conditioning. Thank you to Mr Peter Drew for leading the project.

I wish to also acknowledge and thank parents and carers who contributed to the Library and Building Funds last year. This project could not have been realised without your support.

Building Fund 2025 – The pool will be a key project

I will be launching our drive for the Building Fund next week. We have several projects we wish to undertake. The most important is replacing the pool’s heating unit.  I will survey the community to ascertain what other projects they would like to prioritise.

Fathers and Sons Night

A sincere thank you to Mr. Andrew Sloan for his leadership of this event. Over 130 fathers and sons participated in the event. The feedback was very positive and affirming.

Dr Tony Mordini

[1] https://www.dcceew.gov.au/parks-heritage/heritage/about

