OURS Week 3 Term 4 2024


Principal’s Report

Celebrating World Teachers’ Day

The State of Victoria celebrated World Teachers’ Day on Friday 25 October to coincide with the annual Victorian Education Excellence Awards.

Thank you to the students who produced a great video recently to highlight some of the qualities they admire in their teachers.

Friday’s celebrations at school also involved a staff lunch. Thank you to School Captain Rohan Green’s mother Dr Ranjana Srivastava for kindly providing the catering. We were very spoilt.

This annual event is an important reminder of the vital work teachers do in developing future generations. A lot is asked of teachers and often the wider community does not fully appreciate, nor understand what the role of a teacher entails. It is much more than teaching the content of their subject matter, and the workload extends well beyond the prescribed 38 hour working week. Countless hours go into marking, preparing lessons, calling parents to follow up on missed work, attending meetings and engaging in ongoing professional development. Teachers also give enormous amounts of time to extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, supporting students with learning and emotional challenges and contributing to system-level educational projects and initiatives.

At Melbourne High School, we would not be able to provide the students with the experiences they have if it were not for the incredible generosity of the staff. Staff are involved in activities including musicals and plays, sport, cadets and after-hours parent information sessions.

As Principal, I am incredibly grateful and on your behalf, I wish to thank our teachers for their ongoing efforts.

Select Entry High School Outreach Inquiry Day – Wednesday, 23 October 2024

This week we hosted a group of Year 5 and 6 students to give them a look at a select entry high school and to encourage them to think about this as a possible secondary pathway. This is part of a strategy that I have been working on with the other select entry schools and the Department of Education to widen exposure to our schools. I have also expressed an interest in exploring a Year 7-12 model.

It was a very successful day and I thank the staff coordinators of this project, Anna Pilkington and Harry Bowen, supporting teachers, Emily Azcona, Tyler Howie and Janet Devlin, and the student leaders who facilitated the day.

Welcome Day Sunday 27 October 2025

This week we will be holding the annual Welcome Day for our incoming students. We look forward to meeting them and their families on Sunday. Thank you to the large team of staff and students who have volunteered to help on the day.

VCE Exams – Arrangements for Tuesday 29 October.

I wish all students undertaking VCE exams the best of luck. As you can imagine the logistics of conducting VCE exams in a school of our size is quite a big task. Accordingly, on Tuesday October 29, the day of the English exam, Years 9-11 students will have an Independent Learning Day. Staff will set work for students to complete at home. Staff will be at school assisting with exam arrangements or in curriculum meetings. Students will be able to contact their teachers via MS Teams should they need any support.

Dr Tony Mordini

