
Melbourne High School — ‘More Than Just Marks’

Most students enter Melbourne High School in Year 9. For these students it will be one of the most significant and exciting events of their lives. Each year the school is rejuvenated with a new intake of enthusiastic young men.

Melbourne High School selects an additional class at Year 10 (26 students). This provides students with high academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to extracurriculars an opportunity to gain a place at the school.

Melbourne High School selects a small number of students to enter in Year 11. This intake is for students with demonstrated excellence in Visual and Performing Arts and Humanities. There is no additional enrolment at Year 12.


Residency Status

Students must be either Australian or New Zealand citizens or a holder of a visa or ImmiCard which exempts them from paying International Student Fees to attend a Victorian government school.

Fee-paying international students enrolled in Victorian schools are not eligible to apply.

Melbourne High School cannot enrol international or temporary students.



All prospective students wishing to enrol into Year 9, Year 10, or Year 11 at Melbourne High School in 2026 are welcome to join a guided tour of our renowned ‘Castle on the Hill.’

During this tour, you will have an opportunity to explore our historic buildings and facilities, gain insight into the school’s philosophy and heritage, and engage with our students, staff, and Principal team – all while observing a typical school day in progress.

Tours are strictly limited, and bookings are ESSENTIAL!

All tour attendees must pre-book their place via the TryBooking link HERE.

No walk-ins without a booking will be permitted.

Up to a maximum of 3 people per family can register to attend.

**Please note: These tours are particularly intended for families of students who have registered or are intending to register to sit the Entrance Examination of Academic Assessment Test in 2025 in preparation for 2026 enrolment.

If all booking availability is exhausted, we suggest you bookmark this page and check back regularly for vacancies and possible additional tour dates.

We kindly request you don’t attend if you are feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of a contagious condition.

If possible, please cancel your booking via the TryBooking portal or alternatively contact us by phone on 9826 0711 or email mhs@mhs.vic.edu.au.

​​Most students enter Melbourne High School in Year 9. For these students it will be one of the most significant and exciting events of their lives. Each year the School is rejuvenated with a new intake of enthusiastic young men.

A centralised selection process, handled by the Department of Education and Training, is used to select students for the following year to commence in year 9 in one of the four Selective Entry Schools: Melbourne High School, The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Nossal High School in Berwick and Suzanne Cory High School in Werribee.

Please note the Year 9 examination will be administered by an external company. Melbourne High School has no direct control or jurisdiction over the examination process and cannot intervene in any way.

​Students are selected based on their results in the year 9 entrance examination which is held in the year preceding enrolment.  Approximately 1500 students sitting the entrance examination will have listed Melbourne High School as their first preference school.

Results of the examination are issued by the Department of Education and Training in September and the first round of places are offered at Melbourne High School.  Subsequent rounds offering places to successful students are made until all places have been filled.  This process continues until the end of the school year.

How to Apply for Year 9​

Students must be Australian or New Zealand citizens or hold a visa or ImmiCard.  Fee-paying international students enrolled in Victorian schools are not eligible to apply.  Melbourne High School cannot enrol international or temporary students.

Applications for Year 9 enrolment are now open. The Year 9 entrance examination is administered by ACER. To apply CLICK HERE

For questions about the exam, please contact ACER on 03 9277 5270 or via email: sehs@acer.org

To visit the ACER Selective Entry website CLICK HERE

​Equity Consideration

Equity consideration helps ensure that all candidates have access to the same opportunities.

Candidates are eligible for a place in the equity consideration category if they:

  • have parents with either a Commonwealth Health Care Card or a Pension Card, and who qualify for income support benefits, (see Attachment 2 for an example) and/or

  • identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.

Eligibility for the equity consideration category is verified at the application stage.

Order of Preference

Parents/carers must indicate which of the Selective Entry High Schools they would prefer their child to attend in the application.

Up to three school preferences can be listed; however, you may choose to only list one or two schools.

Parents/carers should only list schools they are prepared to accept and would like their child to attend. They should also consider factors such as distance from each school and how their child will travel to school.

The order of preferences is important. Applicants should place the most preferred school as number one. If a candidate qualifies for more than one school, they will only be offered the highest preference for which they qualify.

Offers for one Selective Entry High School are not transferable to another Selective Entry High School.

Examination format

​The entrance examination is a written assessment, designed to test ability rather than achievement and will include a focus on higher order thinking skills.

The examination takes approximately three hours to complete and includes:

  • Reasoning – Reading

  • Reasoning – Mathematics

  • General Ability – Verbal

  • General Ability – Quantitative

  • Writing

The examination will contain a series of tests including multiple choice questions and written tasks.

Reasoning tasks in Reading and Mathematics assess a student’s ability to use their life and academic knowledge and skills and apply them to problems and tasks using the information provided in the task.

General ability tasks assess a student’s ability to learn in each of the tested areas by allowing the student to demonstrate their higher order thinking and problem-solving skills.

Principal’s Discretionary Category

​The maximum number of students admitted into Melbourne High School and The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Nossal High School and Suzanne Cory High School, combined must not exceed 4% of any one school’s Year 8 enrolment.

The principal of each Selective Entry High School has the authority to offer up to 5% of places under the principal’s discretion category, provided this does not exceed the cap of students from any single school.  For enrolment at Melbourne High School, 17 places are reserved for entry in this category.

The Principal identifies from the examination results those candidates who meet the discretionary eligibility and invites them to submit an application under the principal’s discretion category.

Candidates score in the entrance examination is the major criteria and the Principal may consider factors such as twins, siblings of candidates or a pre-existing connection to the School.

An invitation to apply for a principal’s discretion category is not an offer of a place at the school.  Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed from the applications received and offers of a place are made to successful candidates by the School.

If a candidate accepts an offer at a Selective Entry High School and receives an offer to apply for principal’s discretion at a higher preference school, the candidate can retain the initial offer while the principal’s discretion process is undertaken.

Candidates wishing to respond to an invitation must use the Application Form, provided in the invitational email.  Candidates handwrite a personal response outlining reasons for wanting to join the School.  Co-curricular involvement and achievements, leadership skills and community involvement should be documented.

Individual compassionate factors that have had a long-term effect on a candidate’s education can be included. Copies of school reports are required.

The decision of the principal is final and is not subject to appeal.

How to Apply for Year 10​​

Melbourne High School selects a minimum of 26 students to enter Year 10.

The 4% rule and Principal’s Discretionary Category are not applicable for Year 10.

Students must be either Australian citizens or a holder of a permanent resident’s visa, at the time of application. Citizens of New Zealand are also eligible to apply. Melbourne High School cannot enrol international or temporary students.

​1. Apply for the Academic Assessment Test to be made online here>>

2. Closing date for Academic Assessment Test is Friday, 30 May 2025. Registrations remain open until Saturday, 31 May 2025, however, a late fee will apply of $270. Strictly no applications will be received after Monday 2 June 2025. 

3. The Year 10 Application Form will be emailed to all registered students shortly after registration.

4. Please read the Selection Procedure, Selection Criteria and Guidelines for Application prior to submitting your application form.

​5. The Academic Abilities Assessment Test is scheduled to take place at Melbourne High School on Monday, 16 June 2025.

​​​​Selection Procedure

Selection is via the completed Application Form, evidence and involvement in co-curricular activities and school reports. The results of the Academic Abilities Assessment Test are used to ensure the applicant can maintain the pace of a selective entry school programme. An interview, for shortlisted applicants forms part of the selection process.

There are three components of the Year 10 Selection Process.

1. Application Form

Using the Application form, all applicants are required to submit a application which is to include a statement of achievement against the Selection Criteria, supporting documentation and a single A4 page Personal Statement. All applications are assessed by a School selection panel against the required criteria.

2. Academic Ability Assessment

All applicants are required to sit the Year 10 Academic Ability Assessment. This is conducted on behalf of the School by EduTest. Unlike Year 9 entry this assessment is neither used as the key indicator of academic achievement nor as the main determinant of offers.

3. Interview

All short-listed applicants are interviewed by a School selection panel. Following interviews, the selection panel ranks all short-listed applicants and positions are offered by the School strictly according to this rank order. Please note that the Principal’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.

Selection Criteria

Application for entry to Melbourne High School at Year 10 is assessed against the following three criteria:

1. Co-curricular Achievement

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate significant achievement in one or more areas of co-curricular involvement such as sport, music, debating, and performing arts.

2. School and Community Leadership

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of leadership at secondary school level or within the broader community. It is expected that applicants can demonstrate a high level of achievement against each criterion, however applicants are still considered where this is not the case.

3. Academic Achievement

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of outstanding academic achievement at secondary school level.

Guidelines for Application

The applicants application must contain:

1. A Personal Statement

The applicant’s response should detail the reasons why they are seeking enrolment at Melbourne High School and why they feel they should be selected. Other factors relevant to their application may also be included.

2. Response to the Selection Criteria

This must be submitted on the required Application Form. Applicants should detail and describe evidence of their achievement against each criterion.

3. Supporting Documentation

Applicants should include sufficient material to validate all information included in their selection criteria response or personal statement. Applicants must include of last years interim and academic school reports.

Only photocopies of original documents should be submitted.

Other factors which may be considered include

Applicants’ prior educational opportunities, as well as short or long-term disadvantage or hardship will be considered. This could include interrupted schooling or a personal or family situation which may have impacted on the applicant’s educational opportunities.

Previous family connections to the School.

Year 11 Arts & Humanities Intake

Inspire. Create. Excite.

Are you in Year 10 and excited by the arts and humanities?

* Do you have an aptitude for visual or performing arts and humanities?

* Would you like to extend your arts and humanities experiences?

* Can you see yourself attending Victoria’s leading government secondary boys’ school?

* Do you want a broad education that includes a study of the arts and humanities?

Melbourne High School is a selective entry Years 9 to 12 boys’ school that offers an arts and humanities intake at Year 11 for a two-year VCE arts and humanities course of study. This additional enrollment enables students who are excited by the arts and humanities, and who have a demonstrated commitment to these disciplines, to take advantage of the School’s learning environment to achieve excellence.

How to apply for Year 11

1. Students must be Australian citizens, either by birth, Australian Citizenship, or as holder of a visa or ImmiCard, which would exempt them from paying International Student Fees to attend a Victorian government school. New Zealand citizens residing in Australia are eligible to apply however, Melbourne High School cannot enrol international or temporary students.

2. Applications open in May 2025.

​3. Applications close in July 2025.

4. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a full-time Year 10 program.

5. In year 11 successful students must study at least two VCE subjects from the Arts and Humanities domains.

6.  In year 12 the student must study at least two VCE subjects from the Arts and Humanities domains.

This study load equates to a minimum of eight units of VCE Arts and, or Humanities subjects.

The Arts and Humanities subjects offered are listed below. Please note that these study options are subject to demand. There is no guarantee that all subjects listed will be offered. Successful applicants will be advised of confirmed selections prior to any final offering of a place.

Arts subjects

Humanities subjects

Art Making and Exhibiting units 1-4

Australian Politics units 1-2

Media Studies units 1-4

Geography units 1-4

Music units 1-2

Music Contemporary Performance Units 3-4

Global Politics units 3-4

Music Repertoire Performance units 3-4

History: Modern History units 1-2

Sociology, Units 1-2

Theatre Studies units 1-4

History: Revolutions units 3-4

Visual Communication Design units 1-4

Philosophy units 1-4

Language: Can be only one of the four languages offered at Melbourne High School. 

French, German, Japanese, Indonesian

units 1-4

Politics Units 1-2

Notes for Year 11

Selection is via the completed Application Form (A digital Application Form will be emailed to all registered students shortly after registration).

Short-listed candidates will attend an interview and where relevant an audition.

The 4% rule and Principal’s Discretionary Category are not applicable for the Visual and Performing Arts and Humanities Intake.

Please note an application fee of $100.00 is payable to be paid into the school’s account. Details are provided in the

Application form. Please note cash cannot be accepted.

Selection Procedure

There are two main components of the Year 11 Selection Process:

1. Online Application

Applications are made using the digital Application Form. Applicants must write their personal response outlining the reasons why they wish to attend Melbourne High School. Statements of achievement against the selection criteria are to be made with supporting documents, such as certificates or coach’s reference.  All applications are assessed by a school-appointed selection panel against the required criteria.

Additional Information

School reports: Copies of the year 9 end of year and year 10 midyear reports must be uploaded with this application as well as documents providing evidence of co-curricular involvement and achievement.

Applicant requirements Those wishing to study:

  • Media are required to submit a two-minute film.
  • study Studio Arts and Visual Communication are required to submit up to six photographs of their work with an artist’s progress statement.

These items can either be uploaded at the relevant markers or, if the file is too large, please email enrol@mhs.vic.edu.au to request a personalised Electronic folder.

 An Electronic folder with the candidate’s name will be set up so that all their  material can be saved in their own personalised folder and submitted to Melbourne High School. Full application instructions appear in the Application Form.

Based on written applications, students may be shortlisted for further consideration.

2. Interview and Audition (where relevant)

All short-listed applicants are interviewed by a School selection panel. Applicants wishing to study Music subject and,  Theater Studies are required to audition as par of their interview.

Following interviews, the selection panel ranks all short-listed applicants and positions are offered by the School strictly according to this rank order.

Selection Criteria

Application for entry to Melbourne High School at Year 11 is assessed against the following criteria:

1. Outstanding Potential in VCE Arts or Humanities Subjects

Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate significant ability and potential in at least two of the Year 11 Intake subjects listed above. The written application, supporting material, together with performance at audition(s), if relevant, and interview, will be taken into consideration.

2. Co-curricular Achievement

Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate significant achievement in one or more areas of co-curricular involvement such as sport, music, debating and the performing arts.

3. School Leadership

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of leadership at the secondary school level or within the broader community. It is expected that applicants can demonstrate a high level of achievement against each criterion.

4. Academic Achievement

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of strong academic achievement at secondary school level.

A previous close family connection to the School may be considered.​

Confirmation of offer

Melbourne High School will confirm an initial offer of a place during the first week of September.

However, this will be conditional on our confirmation of the current availability of subjects selected. For example, a subject may not be offered if there are contacted and asked to select another subject.

 A formal offer of a place will only occur once subject selection and availability have been confirmed. Course confirmation is advised prior to the end of Term 3.​


Scholarships, bursaries and prizes available to students enrolled at Melbourne High School

We have a diversity of scholarship opportunities for you and your situation. From recognition of academic achievements or musical performance, to support for unique challenges and experiences, all current and recently graduated students are encouraged to explore the list.

Susan Fincham Young Carer Bursary

Are you a student who has a carer role with an immediate family member?  This bursary may be able to help your family situation.

Lindsay Fox Scholarship

A $3000 per annum scholarship awarded annually to a commencing Year 9 student experiencing severe financial need.  The scholarship is accessed as a credit against the costs of school charges, books, uniforms and other school requisites.

Alan Metcalf Scholarship

A $3,000 per annum scholarship awarded to one Year 10 intake student experiencing financial need.

Pratt Indigenous Scholarship

A $3000 per annum scholarship awarded to a commencing Year 9 or Year 10 student of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. Up to two scholarships may be awarded each year to support the costs of education.

The Peter Larsen Music Bursary

A bursary awarded to a member or members of the Melbourne High School Orchestra experiencing financial need, as recommended by the Director of Music.

Lachlan Caspar Brooke Endowment Fund

A $1,500 endowment awarded at the Committee’s discretion to a Year 9, 10 or 11 student experiencing financial and/or other hardship. Students must have a satisfactory academic performance, overall involvement in the School program and appreciation of the values of the School. A solid record of good behaviour and support for others is also a prerequisite.

Chris McGrath Scholarship

A $1,000 per annum scholarship awarded to a Year 9 student (total value $4000) experiencing financial hardship, who is interested in Cadets.  Evidence of a Health Care Card or Family Tax Benefit A is required.

To find out more please visit the MHS Foundation website.

As a government school, parents are not required to pay an annual tuition fee. However, the school relies on the generosity and involvement of parents through volunteering their time and/or voluntary payment contributions in order continue to provide the best possible education and support for students.

These contributions help to cover the cost of materials, equipment and other consumables. For each year level, a list has been outlined where parents can choose to make voluntary contribution based on their son’s subjects and electives. All payments are made via Compass.

View Parent Payment Policy Year 9

View Parent Payment Policy Year 10

View Parent Payment Policy year 11

View Parent Payment Policy Year 12

View DET Parent Payment Policy

For questions about Melbourne High School, please contact the “Enrolment Administrator”.

Telephone: +61 3 9823 7152