OURS Week 8 Term 1 2024


Principal’s Report

Celebrating the creative industries

Newcastle University (UK) defines the Creative Industries as ‘a diverse and complex sector made up of a variety of sub-sectors, from performing arts to computer games, and graphic design to advertising’[1].

At Melbourne High School, we offer a broad curriculum which includes subjects and co-curricular and extracurricular activities that broaden exposure to the creative industries. For example, gallery visits, film nights, robotics competitions and writers’ festivals.

These initiatives may lead to life-long careers and/or interests. For example, many of our alumni have pursued a career in the arts, others have maintained a life-long interest in the creative industries participating in a range of activities including orchestras, bands, photography, and art collecting.

Creative industries nurture the soul and bring joy into our lives. This was evident in two activities this past week.


On Thursday the Houses battled it out at the Melbourne Town Hall. It was a spectacular event and the talent on stage illustrated how accomplished our students are. As the judges noted, the technical excellence, leadership and musicality imbued in the performances was outstanding.

Congratulations Waterloo and Como on your achievements, and well done to all for the fierce but friendly rivalry. It was an amazing showcase of student talent. Your musicality is certainly one of your superpowers!

Thank you also to all the backstage crew, photographers and videographers, ushers, tech crew, staff undertaking key roles etc.

These events do not occur without a huge amount of support and volunteer hours.

It is occasions like these that make me feel so incredibly proud to be the principal of Melbourne High School.

Indian Film Festival

This week the school hosted Indian film director, screenwriter, and cinematographer Kabir Khan. Kabir is in Melbourne shooting a film for the Indian Film Festival. MHS became the setting for a couple of the scenes in his next movie. It was a great opportunity for the boys to see a real-life Bollywood producer in action. The film will be screened in Melbourne in August.

The Minister for Creative Industries, the Hon. Colin Brooks was also at the school on Friday wishing the film crew good luck with the traditional smashing of the coconut, an Indian tradition that is undertaken on auspicious occasions.

School Council – First Meeting of new council held Tuesday 19 March.

The new council had its first meeting this week. Elections were held for office bearers. I am pleased to announce that our office bearers for the 2024/25 are –

  • Dilum De Silva – President
  • Grant Kelly – Vice-President
  • Charley Wang – Treasurer

I sincerely appreciate their willingness to take on these very important roles.  

[1] https://pec.ac.uk/blog_entries/eight-things-to-know-about-the-creative-industries/

Dr Tony Mordini

