OURS Week 1 Term 2 2024


Principal’s Report

A new term begins

Welcome back and thank you for a smooth start to the term

I make a point of walking around the school during the day. It gets me out of the office and connects me with staff and students engaged in the very important business of teaching and learning which is ultimately what we are all seeking to support and constantly develop.

Capturing the ANZAC Spirit

Over the next two weeks we will participate in several ANZAC events. Melbourne High School has a long tradition of supporting key groups including Legacy and the Waverley RSL. Our students provide choirs, music, and honour guards. I was very proud of the students on Friday at the Shrine for the annual Legacy Service and on Sunday at the Waverley RSL for their annual ANZAC Service.

The photographs in this week’s edition of OURS were taken by Abyaz Shams, Kyle Kim, Khang Hoang and Lucas Truong-Nguyen. They capture the power and presence of the students and demonstrate the importance they play on ensuring that they take such events with the utmost respect.

Additionally, the services are a reminder to the students of the enduring ANZAC spirit which we encourage in the boys – endurance, courage, ingenuity, good humour, and mateship.

Photo by Abyaz Shams.
Photo by Abyaz Shams.
Photo by Lucas Truong-Nguyen.
Photo by Lucas Truong-Nguyen.
Photo by Kyle Kim.
Photo by Kyle Kim.
Photo by Khang Hoang.
Photo by Khang Hoang.

Mobile Phone Policy

As a school, we have been very respectful of the policy, and I thank everyone for their compliance. Notwithstanding this, all schools have been asked by the Honourable Ben Carroll, Deputy Premier, Minister for Education, Minister for Medical Research to remind students that mobile phones are not allowed in class and the expectation is that students place their phones in their locker before form room and do not take them out until the end of the school day.

Uniform, general presentation and behavioural expectations

On the day before school commenced, I sent the students a reminder to ensure that they started the term well attired, clean shoes etc. Thank you for your assistance. I also reminded them that when travelling to and from school and when in public, they represent the school. I get few complaints from members of the public; however, I feel it is important to make the odd reminder. Please also ensure that all clothing is clearly marked.

Pippin – Combined MHS Mac Rob Musical – Save the date –Thursday  May 9 – Saturday May 11

Ticket sales are now open via trybooking.com/events/landing/1206800

The musical was first produced at Melbourne High School in 1984. We are bringing it back 40 years on and we look forward to bringing many of our alumni back to reminisce and see that MHS continues to have a very strong tradition of musical theatre. Please support the students by coming along.

Public Holiday – Thursday April 25 – ANZAC Day

Please note that Thursday April 25 is a public holiday and there will not be any school on that day. Thanks in advance to the students who will be getting up very early to go to the Dawn Service at the Shrine of Remembrance.

Dr Tony Mordini

