Principal’s Report
Career education …building the arsenal for career success

This week we held our annual Careers Night in conjunction with the Melbourne High School Old Boys’ Association (MHSOBA). The theme of the event was Building your arsenal for many job opportunities in the future. Our keynote speaker was Professor Dan Goodman, Professor in Sociology, School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne.
Professor Goodman’s research interests include the biographical consequences of young people’s work and study patterns. He presented a very strong argument for young people having a broad base that included interpersonal communication, analytical, technical and data skills.
Melbourne High School’s curriculum program and philosophy align with this view. The School’s curriculum extends well beyond the core Victorian Curriculum providing a rich array of other subjects and co-curricular activities that enable students to develop capabilities such as these. As academic researchers such as Goodman suggest, these capabilities will enhance individuals’ employability and life skills.

Michelle Perchuk’s article, The Transferable Skills Arsenal, espouses a similar sentiment stating that “every executive should have six foundational and transferable skills in their arsenal: collaboration, communication, creativity, teamwork, technical expertise and leadership. These are evident in many activities the students engage in at MHS and we will continue to explore ways in which they can be expanded upon. Thank you to the MHSOBA for their support (many of the presenters were alumni), Mr Theodoropoulos our Careers Coordinator for his oversight of the event, and the staff and students who assisted on the night.
Junior Volleyball Success
On the 3rd to the 5th of June, two Year 9 volleyball teams competed at the Volleyball Victoria Schools Cup. The B team played exceptionally well, only just falling short of a medal coming in 4th place. The A team had a stunning performance winning gold, only dropping two sets the whole tournament. A sincere thank you to our coaches and staff who supported the boys at the tournament. And a vote of thanks to Jacob Koulaouzos-Chun for providing the community report.

Mobile Phones – Student Use Policy Reminder
The Department of Education policy stipulates that ‘students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours.’ (
It is important to note this is a Department of Education policy and that schools have been asked to increase their vigilance and ensure that the policy is being implemented. Please remind your child of the need to follow this directive.
General Achievement Test (GAT) Tuesday June 18 – Junior School – independent Learning Day at home
The 2024 GAT will take place on Tuesday 18 June. All students enrolled in a Unit 3 / 4 subject must sit the GAT. Further details will be provided to students over the next week. On that day the remainder of the school will work remotely. Teachers will set independent learning tasks.
Dr Tony Mordini
- Year 12 MacRob Senior Cup
- Railway Interest Group “Public vs Private Operators” Interschool Forum
- Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange
- Wellbeing Parent & Carers Survey (repeat)
- Petition for Additional Footpath on Yarra Street (repeat)
- Adelaide Exchange Information (repeat)
- Scholarships to help with education costs are now open (repeat)
- Second Hand Uniform Shop (repeat)
- Canteen: The canteen is open every day except Thursday.
Looking ahead
- 18 June: VCAA General Achievement Test (GAT)
- 28 June: Last day of term 2
- 15 July: First day of term 3
- 22 July: Winter Concert
- 7 August: Year 12 Formal
- 8 August: Curriculum Day
- 19 – 21 August: Prefects’ Cup
- 6 September: House Cross Country