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OURS Week 2 Term 4 2023


Principal’s Report

It may have rained on our parade, but it did not deter our determination.

This week the 415 Squadron Australian Airforce Cadet Unit, Melbourne High School Army Cadet Unit, and Tattam-Wallis Ceremonial Band conducted their annual parade. This is an important event in our calendar, and it celebrates the decades-long traditions of cadets. The cadet units provide participants with opportunities to really define and develop their leadership skills, skills that they will use years after they graduate. I am very grateful to Reviewing officer WGCDR(AAFC) Kylie Walker who officiated the event and to the many staff, students, parents, and alumni who joined us.

We had to make some last-minute changes as the beautiful sunny start soon turned into a very heavy rainstorm. Under the direction of our MC, Lt. Matthew Roberts, other officers, and the student cadet leaders we moved into Memorial Hall to conduct the prize giving and conclude the official activities. A fine example of our capacity to manage any challenges that may come our way!

John Grisby Memorial

It was really pleasing to see so many old boys at the event too. Post parade, they continued their celebrations at the Old Boys’ Pavilion. As Lt. Roberts stated at the parade, ‘this one’s for you John’ making reference to the recent death of John Raymond James Grigsby a previous, highly regarded staff member who had also played a major role in cadets for nearly two decades. At one stage, John was Officer in Charge. The Dress and Drill competition trophy is named after John in recognition of his service to cadets.

Cadet Officers’ Dinner

Friday night, the military service theme continued with the annual Cadet Officers’ Dinner held in the city at the Kelvin Club.

It was a wonderful night recognising the amazing service our students give to cadets and to developing the leadership skills, character, and personal development of their younger peers. Our cadet officers play a significant role in a range of activities including the recruitment of new students to the units, running training exercises and organising bivouacs.

Dineth Diyagama, Lewis Cavolo and Roger Liu

Welcome Day

On Sunday 15 October, we welcomed the students commencing Years 9 – 11 in 2024. Thank you to Rosemary Dixon for overseeing the event and to the staff, students, parents, and carers who helped.

Year 12 Celebrations and Valedictory.

Year 12 students concluded their time at MHS with a week of celebrations and the odd shenanigan. On Monday October 16, the students will conclude their formal time at school with their Valedictory Dinner. Thank you to James Guthrie and the Senior School staff who have overseen the planning. It promises to be a very special night.

Dr Tony Mordini



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