Principal’s Report
Cultivating empathy..
Daniel Macrae (10G), one of our Junior School Captains, spoke at Assembly this week highlighting a number of recent successes. With respect to Cultural Week he noted –
“…Cultural Week has provided a vivid display of diversity and unity. The wide array of cultures represented through music, food stalls, and cultural clothing reminded us of the incredible wealth that enriches our school community. This celebration of cultures isn’t just about learning facts; It’s about cultivating empathy, deepening our understanding of one another, and fostering a sense of belonging in our world.”
Daniel’s erudite reflection captures the importance of celebrating our diversity and recognising how events such as these develop intercultural connections, foster respect and enhance our understanding of other faiths, languages and cultures.
LitFest 23
This year’s LitFest is upon us! Here is what we have lined up over the next couple of weeks:
- Friday 18 August: Dress as your favourite literary character
- Monday 21 August: Year 9 spelling competition final – the best spellers in Year 9 will face off in a cut-throat competition (lunchtime in T29)
- Tuesday 22 August: English staff vs student debate – the English teachers will be arguing the affirmative case on the topic ‘English should not be a compulsory subject’ (lunchtime in Memorial Hall)
- Wednesday 23 August: Guest speaker for Year 9s – Matt Rogers
Click here for some background.
- Thursday 24 August: Year 10 spelling competition final – the best spellers in Year 10 will face off in an even more cut-throat competition than the 9s
- Friday 25 August: Guest speaker for Year 11s – John Morrissey
- Monday 28 August: Guest speaker for Year 10s – Edwina Preston
- Tuesday 29 August: BookWiz – a fun quiz about books (lunchtime in the library)
Thank you to Blair Mahoney for overseeing the event.
Unicorn Club Photographers
Our Unicorn Photographers with the support of Assistant Principal Jan Devlin have worked tirelessly this week to photograph all the co-curricular clubs and teams. These photographs will be used in the production of the 2023 Unicorn. Thank you also to Luc Bohn who will be managing the production of this year’s Unicorn.
Parents and Friends Annual Brunch
It has been a tradition for the Parents and Friends (MHS P&F) to organise an annual brunch.
The event is a wonderful opportunity for members of the school community to build social connections and listen to engaging and stimulating speakers.
This year, the P&F have organised a program with three high calibre speakers (including two MHS old boys) on the theme of ‘Future Leaders’.
The brunch will be held at 10:30am in Memorial Hall on Sunday 27 August. The guest speakers at the event will be:
Professor Raimond Gaita
Professorial Fellow at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne;
Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, Kings College London;
MHS old boy.
Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld AC, OBE
Monash University;
Alfred Hospital;
MHS old boy.
Vivek Srinivasan
Assoc. Director, CSIRO Futures.
Further details of the event and the link to purchase tickets are available here.
Dr Tony Mordini
- Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Semester 2 2023
- Second Hand Uniform Shop News
- Petition for Additional Footpath on Yarra Street (repeat)
- Scholarships 2023 (repeat)